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Workers Compensation

Allegheny Medical Workers Compensation

When there is an injury on the job, trust our team for expert care.

We know you can go anywhere for job-related injuries.  Unfortunately, most companies choose an urgent care facility based upon location.  A short-sighted choice which can have long-term ramifications.  If your provider is unfamiliar with Workers Compensation guidelines a minor injury can easily become a recordable incident, costing a company thousands of dollars and man-hours.

At Allegheny Medical, our doctors and providers are well versed in listening to you and helping you to discover the underlying issues that are preventing you from fully realizing a healthy, happy life. Our providers understand employer responsibility and  keep minor injuries minor without compromising employee health or care. Call us at 412-494-4550 or book an appointment online to schedule an appointment!

Call or request an appointment online.

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